Our famous fajitas are grilled over mesquite wood and served with flour tortillas, fajita onions and peppers, Mexican rice and choice of beans.
Chips & salsa, plates, napkins and plasticware are included with all fajita buffets.
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Full Course Fiesta Buffets
Try one of our 3 course meals that is perfect for any gathering!
All buffets include Mexican rice, your choice of beans, chips & salsa, sopapillas with honey, your choice of tea or lemonade, plates, utensils and napkins.
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Bolder Border Bowls
Chips & salsa, plates, napkins and plasticware are included with all border bowl buffets.
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Mexican Combinations
When variety is key!
Each buffet includes Mexican rice choice of beans, chips & salsa, plates, utensils and napkins.
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Create Your Own
Create your perfect buffet!
Chips & salsa, plates, napkins and plasticware are included with all create-your-own buffets.
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2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice, but calorie needs vary.